Conference programme

Posters list

Supporting sponsors

List of attendees

YEN Committee 2018


The YEN 2018 conference will be held at the Francis Crick Institute, London on Monday 14th May. This year, we are honoured to continue hosting the Sammy Lee Memorial Keynote Lecture, to be delivered by Professor Wolf Reik (Babraham Institute). We are very pleased to host two further speakers; Dr Germano Cecere (Institut Pasteur) and Dr Susan Cox (King’s College London). As well as three abstract-selected talk sessions and poster presentations, we will also be holding a Q&A panel session on “Publishing, Editing and Journals” with three professional panellists; Jennifer McLennan (eLife), Robert Kiley (Wellcome) and Katherine Brown (Development).

Registration is completely free, and will close on the 14th April. Attendees submitting abstracts for talk presentations may also be considered for travel grants up to the value of £100.

The 10th Annual YEN Conference is kindly sponsored by Company of Biologists, ThermoFisher, Promega, Merck, Wellcome, REGEN, NEB, Primer Design, Fisher Scientific, Protein tech, Rosetrees, Qiagen and the Society for Experimental Biology.