9th Annual Conference Young Embryologist Network: May 9th, 2017 at ICH (UCL), London

9-9.30: Registration

9.45: Welcome Address

10.00 First session (PhD and Postdoc): Morphogenesis and modelling

  1. Mélanie Gracia
  2. Max Kerr Winter
  3. Berta Verd
  4. Gi Fay (Geoffrey) Mok

11.00: Coffee break & Poster Session

11.30: Talk from invited speaker: Prof Michael Stumpf

12.00: Second session (PhD and Postdoc): Stem cells and neural cells

  1. Antoine Coum
  2. Vicki Metzis
  3. Anca Radu

13.00 Lunch break and Poster session

14.00: The Sammy Lee Memorial Lecture: Dr Darren Gilmour

15.00: Third session (PhD and Postdoc): Unusual animal models for studying development

  1. Maria Michela Pallotta
  2. Ritika Ghosal
  3. Kyle Martin

15:45: Coffee Break and Poster session

16.15: Talk from invited speaker: Dr Karen Liu 

16:45 Q & A session: “How to communicate your research to the public”

17.30: Oral and poster prizes, closing address

17.45: Drinks reception